Attendee Instructions

Attendee Instructions


Place qualifying orders of $500 net cost or more with exhibitors to earn CAMEX Cashback rebates.

**See CAMEX Cashback rebate schedule.


Collect official CAMEX

Cashback forms from

each exhibitor you place qualifying orders with.

(qualifying orders of $500 net or more)



of $50 each on qualifying

orders placed with additional exhibitors over the initial 5. Qualifying orders placed with exhibitors #6 through #15 are worth $50 each for a total of $500.


Turn in your forms by 5:00 pm on 2/22 at Registration/Cashback Counters. Complete all required forms and attach copies of POs (copiers available at registration). NACS Staff will verify totals with CAMEX Cashback exhibitors and send your CAMEX Cashback check within 90 days.

Each exhibitor must print and sign their name and write the total net cost dollar amount of the order(s) on their official CAMEX Cashback form, along with PO # and/or Exhibitor Order #. Buyer must attach a copy of the official purchase order(s) to the form. A qualifying order is $500 net cost or more (less discounts, before shipping, royalties, and taxes) placed at the CAMEX25 trade show before the close of the show.

The more CAMEX exhibitors you place qualifying orders with, the more you’ll earn in BONUS BUCKS! Qualifying orders (of $500 net or more) placed with more than 5 exhibitors earn you bonus bucks. Qualifying orders placed with exhibitors #6 through #15 earn you $50 each for a max total of $500 in bonus bucks.

Copy and turn in all signed required forms at CAMEX Registration/CAMEX Cashback counter by 2/22 (the day after the trade show closes) by 5:00 pm.

All qualifying and verified orders by all buyers from the same store will be combined in calculating CAMEX Cashback Rebate and Bonus Bucks. Multiple qualifying orders with a vendor will be combined and counted as a single vendor purchase at the cumulative dollar amount.

NACS will verify all orders with vendors and send a check made payable to the store/organization within 90 days of the close of CAMEX25. Order cancellations, reductions, and/or order total discrepancies may result in reduction/deletion of CAMEX Cashback and/or Bonus Bucks payouts. 

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